10 Benefits of a Home Water Filtration SystemSoutheast Texas water is rich in minerals, and cities add fluoride, chlorine or chloramines (chloride and ammonia) to disinfect our raw water supply. It seems most, if not all, of us are using some kind of home water filtration system to remove chemicals and additional impurities in our drinking water.

Some people use filters that attach to their kitchen faucets; others have a water pitcher in the fridge with a replaceable filter in which tap water is converted to cold, purified drinking water quickly and conveniently.

In the bathroom, we continue to use tap water for drinking and rinsing when brushing our teeth. In the laundry room and dishwasher, we use hard water to clean our clothing and dishes. You can continue to manage the effects of hard water, or consider whole house water filtration.

Whole House Water Filtration

Cleaner, filtered water is beneficial to you and your family in many ways.

  1. Chemicals are removed from clothing.
  2. Chemicals are removed from the water and can no longer pollute indoor air.
  3. Cleaner, chemical-free air helps allergy and asthma sufferers.
  4. Clothing is cleaner because of “softer” water.
  5. Drinking water is more sanitary.
  6. Drinking water is safer and healthier.
  7. Every water source uses clean, filtered water.
  8. If your municipal water system suffers a breakdown, your whole house filtration system protects your family from contaminants.
  9. Water chemical vapors from the dishwasher are eliminated.
  10. Whole house water filtration is the only effective filter for showers; hair (and bodies) get cleaner.

Manage Mineral Deposits and Chemical Contaminants 24/7

Rather than managing the problems caused by hard water and water contaminants as they occur, why not manage them every day? A home water filtration will give you peace of mind in addition to cleaner, better-tasting water.

Bradbury Brothers is available to help you too, 24/7, but we’d rather help you prevent the plumbing problems that can lead to emergency repairs. Contact us with questions and remember – we have up-front pricing, so you’re never hit with “unexpected” plumbing expenses.

Water is life, and clean water means health.
– Audrey Hepburn