How to Avoid Clogged Drains When You Host a CrowdGrandpa and cousins and kids, oh my! When you opened your North Houston home to shelter friends and family impacted by Hurricane Harvey, you knew it would strain your food budget and living space. But there was never any doubt you would immediately open your heart and home to those in need. We’re Texans. We take care of our own.

What you may not have realized was the additional stress on your plumbing. Kitchen and bathroom drain clogs are prone to happen in any water-soaked area where the land has struggled to quickly absorb a record-breaking amount of rainfall. Add more people to the mix, and your home becomes a place where the perfect storm, plumbing-wise, is a very real possibility.

Be Prepared to Combat Drain Clogs

Hopefully, there will be no more weather disasters in 2017 for Texas. But the holidays are near; family food gatherings this time of year can begin with Rosh Hashana and end with Christmas. If you’re hosting a crowd, here are some tips to avoid drain clogs:

  • If you have a septic tank, pump it before hosting a crowd.
  • If you haven’t already done so, put a compost bin or trash container near the kitchen sink for greasy foods and veggie peels.
  • If you see slow-draining water in the kitchen, shower/tub, or toilet, don’t use liquid drain cleaners. The harsh chemicals can damage your home’s plumbing, the air you breathe, and irritate eyes and skin. The runoff poisons our ecosystem, too.
  • Too much paper can cause sewer drain clogs that are inconvenient and unhealthy. Place small trash cans close to each toilet. You might encourage guests to observe this paper rule: If it’s yellow, let it mellow (and put it in the trashcan); if it’s brown, flush it down.

Bradbury Brothers Services: Texas Strong

In addition to plumbing and HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) services, our blogs share information to promote whole-house wellness and save money. Chat with our online live representative or call 281.661.4283 when you have questions about your home’s plumbing service.