Ensuring your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) equipment is clean and well-maintained is a very good way to save money, but you can also save on utility bills with your HVAC fan settings.
Fan Choices: On, Off, and Auto
You’d think that deciding whether or not to run your HVAC fan 24/7 or as-needed would be easy, but it’s not that simple. Most people opt for the auto setting; it’s just easier to let your HVAC fan do what it’s supposed to do then shut off when the house interior reaches its ideal temperature.
Leaving the fan on circulates your air continuously. Your air will feel and smell fresher, and it will actually improve your IAQ, which is ideal for people who suffer from allergies and asthma. But you won’t save on utility bills. And you would definitely need to be on a twice-a-year maintenance plan with us because your unit is getting the ultimate workout.
Southeast Texas is known for its heat and humidity. The on setting pulls in more humid outdoor air into your home, which may require you to have a dehumidifier in one or more rooms.
The auto setting is designed to conserve energy – and money – by running your HVAC fan as-needed. This reduces stress on your unit’s parts and saves on air filters, too. The downside is that you don’t get as much fresh air circulating throughout your home, so you may notice the air smells stale and feels stuffy.
We Have a Solution
Ask us about air conditioners that offer variable-speed fans! You can program your AC to run higher when on and slower when it’s circulating air.
Bradbury Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning are the HVAC professionals for Conroe, Magnolia, Montgomery, Oak Ridge North, Shenandoah, Spring, The Woodlands, Tomball and surrounding communities here in Southeast Texas. If you aren’t already, we’d like you to join your neighbors who take advantage of HVAC maintenance twice each year. A little prevention goes a long way toward ensuring your HVAC unit is operating efficiently! Call 281-651-5484 or request a free quote online.