Leaky Toilets Can Drain Your Bank Account – Don’t Let It Happen to You!

It’s not always easy to tell where a toilet leak is originating. Typically, it’s due to a toilet flapper or valve seal becoming old and/or worn out, but there are other reasons you may have a leaky toilet or two. Even a little leak can hurt your bank account: a running toilet can waste hundreds [...]

Your Garbage Disposal is Leaking!

If left unfixed, a leaking garbage disposal is more than a mess – it can lead to other, bigger problems. Even the most trustworthy garbage disposal can develop the occasional leak. A leak doesn’t always mean replacing the unit, so do a little troubleshooting before rushing to buy a new one. All garbage disposal units [...]

5 Preventative Tips to Keep Clogs Away!

The best way to keep drains clog-free is to be careful about what goes into them. Obvious, right? Since no one’s perfect, slow or clogged drains are bound to happen. Your first best step for preventing drain clogs is to have them professionally inspected and cleaned. After that, use these five preventative tips to keep [...]

May 23rd, 2017|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

Basic Dishwasher Maintenance Tips Everyone Should Know!

It’s one of the most appreciated home appliances, saving time, money and precious resources. The dishwasher is usually a low-maintenance device. If you’re like most people, you probably think it gets a good cleaning every time you use it – but that’s not the case. Food scraps, soap scum and grease can all conspire to [...]

May 19th, 2017|Blog, Plumbing|

Do You Know Where Your Shut-off Valves Are? You Should!

All homes are equipped with gas and water emergency shut-off valves. They’re an important part of your home’s mechanical system, and it’s vital that you know where they’re located before an emergency occurs. What’s a Shut-Off Valve? A shut-off valve is simply a large knob you can use to turn off the water or gas [...]

May 11th, 2017|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

Top 4 Obvious Signs of Hard Water

For a written exam, a teacher asked her class to “briefly explain hard water.” One conscientious student submitted this answer: “Ice.” Few substances are as soft as water. Nothing can erode a rock like water’s continuous flow or drip! Here are some obvious signs your home or commercial property has hard water; its mineral-infused strength [...]

April 20th, 2017|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

Spring Maintenance Tips for Your HVAC

For us, winter-to-spring isn’t such a big leap, weather-wise, but there’s something about spring that inspires us to clean closets, cabinets, and “freshen up” our homesteads following the waiting period that is winter. Spring maintenance and cleaning are simply what we do. Filters are First Spring maintenance for your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system [...]

April 19th, 2017|Blog, HVAC System|

After-Effects of a Flood – Steps to Take to Recover

It doesn’t matter if it’s a flood from overflowing creeks and bayous or if it’s a flood from a broken water pipe, as long as your family and pets are safe, it’s something you can handle. In fact, you’d almost be grateful if you suffered a laundry room flood rather than a whole-house flood; at [...]

How Do You Know You Should Charge the Refrigerant in Your A/C?

Winter will continue to make a few attempts at the cold weather here in Southeast Texas, but for the most part, we begin thinking of summer right after spring break. Which leads us to think about our HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) unit. Most home- and property-owners schedule an HVAC maintenance “tune-up” in spring and [...]

April 11th, 2017|Blog, HVAC|

How Much Does a HVAC Upgrade Cost?

There are so many reasons to upgrade your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) that we don’t have the time – or energy – to list them here. Speaking of energy, an HVAC upgrade will save energy and lower heating and cooling costs, too. “Jeff Wilson replaced his HVAC system for the same reason most homeowners [...]

March 28th, 2017|Blog, HVAC System|

Plumbing How-to: Manage the Effects of Hard Water Around Your Home

Hard water in your home can cause clogs, stains, and appliance damage. In Texas, you can have any mixture of minerals in your water, and you can tell what’s going on by the color of the stains. Here are ways to clean hard water build-up on bathroom and kitchen fixtures: Brown/black – manganese, other minerals [...]

March 23rd, 2017|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

Keep Your Home Safe: Plumbing Appliance Product Recalls, 2015-16

Along with everything you do to keep your family safe and your home comfortable, it doesn’t seem fair that you should have to check product recalls as well as schedule annual dental, dermatology, veterinarian, HVAC maintenance, etc. appointments. You don’t have to check IF, when you purchased a product, you filled out the little white [...]

Home Renovation Tip – To Update or Not to Update Your HVAC Unit?

Perhaps 2017 is the year to do those property renovations you’ve been considering. You’ll want the best value possible for your project, and as you make your budget for your remodeling project, should you include a new HVAC unit to increase energy savings now or keep Old Faithful for a few more years? Review Your [...]

March 16th, 2017|Blog, HVAC System|

3 Ways to Be Energy Efficient, Even When You Go on Vacation

Okay, the pets are boarded, the plants will be watered, the mail and newspaper are on hold . What are you forgetting? The house! You should prepare your home for safety and energy efficiency while you’re away. 1. Electronics/Appliances These are your true energy efficiency hogs. Even when turned off, your electronics continue to drain [...]

February 28th, 2017|Blog, Energy Efficiency|

What You Don’t Know About Short Cycling Could Hurt You

Short cycling is an HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) term describing a continuous on/off process. You air conditioning/heating unit turns on for about 1 minute. Then it turns itself off, resulting in an incomplete cycle. Most people realize a problem when they hear the unit kicking on and off frequently or notice their home’s air [...]

February 21st, 2017|Blog, HVAC System|

Did You Know an HVAC Fan Can Affect Your Utility Bills?

Ensuring your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) equipment is clean and well-maintained is a very good way to save money, but you can also save on utility bills with your HVAC fan settings. Fan Choices: On, Off, and Auto You’d think that deciding whether or not to run your HVAC fan 24/7 or as-needed would [...]

How Can You Extend the Life of Your Water Heater?

The birth of a new year offers us an anticipation of good things to come; kind of like a “new life.” Conscientious people take healthful steps to extend their own lives, and diligent people do what is needed to extend the life of their possessions. If we helped you with a new water heater in [...]

February 9th, 2017|Blog, Plumbing|
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