5 Tips to Extend Your HVAC System Life

Your property is most likely your largest investment, so protecting and preserving its value makes sense. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems are made to last anywhere from 10-25 years, depending on upkeep, and you can easily extend your HVAC system life with preventive maintenance. Five HVAC Maintenance Tips Knowledge is power! We want [...]

August 11th, 2016|Blog, HVAC System, HVAC Tips|

What Kind of AC Maintenance Plan Should I Have?

Putting a maintenance plan into effect is an important part of keeping your HVAC system problem-free and operating at maximum efficiency. In addition to tips for heating and cooling maintenance, you need regular professional inspection to ensure your systems’ optimal performance. This saves money, energy, and more importantly – time – on future repairs. What [...]

August 4th, 2016|Air Conditioner, Blog|

5 Ways To Save On Home Heating And Cooling

Winter or summer, homeowners can save energy in many ways. Oftentimes, these money-saving efforts are relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. Read on for some of the top tips for saving on home heating and cooling. 1. Install a programmable thermostat, if you don't already have one -- and use it right. A programmable thermostat [...]

6 Tips for Cooling Down Your AC Costs

Chief Meteorologist Dr. Todd Crawford says, “The past six summers have been the hottest six-year stretch in the last 120 years.” And then there’s Texas. We set the bar for summer heat; the high temperatures here can be life-threatening. How can you save on cooling costs when you’re running your AC 24/7? Lower Your Energy [...]

What Are Self-Cleaning Water Heaters and How Do They Work?

There are plenty of DIY (do-it-yourself) plumbing tasks you can handle yourself, but working with water heaters isn’t one of them. Plumbing contractors are trained to provide necessary services that your home or property needs to operate plumbing fixtures efficiently, save money, and conserve valuable energy resources. Many of our clients request information about [...]

July 28th, 2016|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

How Plumbing Contractors Help With Plumbing and More!

If we only called our dentist when we have a toothache, odds are we’d have more dental problems than ever! Some people think to call plumbing contractors only when there’s an emergency. But your plumber can help prevent problems before they occur. In addition to understanding how your property’s pipes and septic systems work, plumbers [...]

July 21st, 2016|Blog, Plumbing Tips|

My AC is Frozen and I Can’t Just ‘Let It Go!’

You can feel it; something’s not right. Your room or building has become inexplicably warm, and you don’t have any air coming out of the registers. Upon investigation, you discover the air conditioner filter is wet and drippy, but the biggest clue is this: your AC unit coils are covered in ice. It’s official. You’ve [...]

When You Need to Get Help with Your Plumbing Problem

Smart property owners schedule routine plumbing inspections for preventive maintenance because it makes sense to protect your investment and prolong the life of your plumbing appliances. Unfortunately, many people only seek plumbing repair for an emergency. Even the popular Dummies book, a terrific D-I-Y (do-it-yourself) guide says, “Hire a plumber when the problem is extensive [...]

July 15th, 2016|Blog, Plumbing|

A Consumer’s Guide to Selecting a Hot Water Heater

Chances are, you’ll buy at least 2 – and maybe more – hot water heaters in your lifetime. For most of us, water heaters are a big purchase, and the price can be anywhere from $1,000-$3,000. Be Prepared Many of us research Consumer Reports before making a large purchase, like a car or refrigerator. If [...]

What are the Types of Residential Plumbing Services?

Residential Plumber Services near The Woodlands, TX Residential plumbing services range from fixing everything that leaks to repairing anything that clogs. If you’ve unclogged a hairy drain catch in your bathtub or tightened a faucet to stop a drip, you’ve performed basic plumbing services! However, if that drain in the bathtub continues to plug-up even [...]

5 Common Questions and Answers About Central Air Conditioner Problems

With regular HVAC maintenance, your air conditioner is designed to perform reliably for many years. However, now and then, malfunctions will occur. So what are some of the most common AC questions and problems a homeowner is likely to face? Here are five that HVAC technicians frequently address near The Woodlands. Home Air Conditioner Problems [...]

June 17th, 2016|Blog, HVAC|

5 Tips on Heating and AC Maintenance

Nothing keeps your HVAC system in shape like regular maintenance. That means scheduling a maintenance inspection in the spring on the air conditioner and the fall on the furnace, If you have a heat pump that heats and cools, maintenance should also be performed in fall and spring. A thorough inspection and cleaning will ensure [...]

June 16th, 2016|Blog, HVAC Tips|

5 Important Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips For Everyone

Summer will be here soon, and with it, the long cooling season in our Gulf Coast region. Ensure your air conditioner is in tiptop shape to keep you cool and comfortable by following these simple tips for air conditioner maintenance. 1. Change the air filter. Changing the air filter is the no. 1 thing you [...]

May 26th, 2016|Blog, HVAC Tips|

Why You Need to Take Advantage of Complete Plumbing Services!

It’s easy enough to see (or hear) a problem with your plumbing. The leaky spigot, the gurgly noise your toilet makes, and the clogged kitchen sink disposal are dead giveaways that there’s something amiss. That’s when you decide whether or not to tackle the fix yourself, call your Uncle Fred, or contact area plumbing contractors, [...]

How to Keep Kids and Pets Cool on a Hot Summer Day

Summer in our region presents some challenges. The high temperatures and humidity can adversely affect anyone, but particularly the elderly, kids and even pets. Overheating can necessitate emergency medical procedures and hospitalization. Read on for some common sense tips to survive the worst of summer in the Gulf Coastal region. Pets You may think that [...]

Yes or No to Tankless Water Heaters. What Are the Pros and Cons?

If you need a new water heater, and you've been wondering whether a tankless water heater is right for you, here's a little information to help you decide. These "pros and cons" of tankless water heaters will help you determine if one would be a great fit for your home. Pros Tankless water heaters use [...]

Indoor Air Pollution is a Big Problem – What You Can Do About It

Even though you maintain high standards of cleanliness in your home, the stale air trapped inside could be making you sick. In our Gulf Coast area, where we keep the home closed up for a good part of the year with the air conditioner on, indoor air pollution can contribute to allergies and respiratory problems. [...]

5 Things to Look For in Choosing a Trustworthy Air Conditioner Repair and Maintenance Company

There are a good many HVAC companies out there, so you may well wonder how to choose the best one for your furnace or air conditioner installation. Fortunately, there are some signs that will help you determine when a prospect is trustworthy. 1. Licensed, Bonded and Insured One important way to begin your investigation [...]

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